I have worked with Mark since last November and I know it sounds like a cliche but it has been life changing. I have worked with other coaches in the past, but Mark is very different... I have learned to be aware of and in control of my mindset at all times. We have covered so much ground. This is not for everyone. It takes work and it takes commitment. But if you are ready, if you feel the pull, then I highly recommend Mark to you."
Joe Fried
High Net Worth Attorney, Internationally Renowned Speaker
Member - Tiger 21, Humanitarian

Mark's corporate CLIENTS INCLUDE





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"A paradigm shattering experience! This is the most empowering program we've ever used!"
Mike Lamonica
Director of Communications (Motorola)
Mark Fournier’s insights and coaching are brilliant! And he has the most encompassing and economical program I’ve ever seen!
Joanne Dennis
Employee-Development Director, Certified Coach
“I STRONGLY recommend this amazing program to ANY organization… on any level!”
Joseph Tidwell
Education Director, Boeing
“This was the greatest investment I ever made as a business owner AND Individual! My worst month now exceeds what was once my best month! AND, I love my life!”
Dalila Belhamissi
Spa Owner, Educator, Trainer, Life Coach
“You can’t get THIS from a book or a seminar (or from a thousand of them); Coach Mark has created a program that permanently transforms your life, allowing you to automatically think, feel, and do that which ensures your success & fulfillment. His program saved my networking career, my marriage, and, in a way, my life!”
Glenn Sparks
Minister, Top Network Marketing Earner, 3-Time All American Football Player, Humanitarian
Mark and his Courses are unparalleled and second to none in their ability to empower individuals and employees to live the life they love, but never dreamed possible. His programs ignites the Human Spirit, liberate the soul and awaken you to your most lofty human potential.
Clyde Bawden
Master Life & Executive Coach, internationally renown composer, and concert pianist, highly successful business magnate
Coaching with genius Mark Fournier permanently empowered me, transforming the way I think, see, feel, work and live… forever!
Krystal Gray
Radio Show Host/Producer, Author, Speaker, Network Marketing Leader
"If you are a high or ultra-high net worth entrepreneur, leader, influencer, or peak-performer in any field, coaching genius Mark Fournier will transform your life beyond imagine! "
Dr. Mark Rosenbloom
MD, MBA, Member- Tiger 21
Coaching with genius Mark Fournier permanently empowered me, transforming the way I think, see, feel, work and live… forever!
Krystal Gray
Radio Show Host/Producer, Author, Speaker, Network Marketing Leader
"If you are a high or ultra-high net worth entrepreneur, leader, influencer, or peak-performer in any field, coaching genius Mark Fournier will transform your life beyond imagine! "
Dr. Mark Rosenbloom
MD, MBA, Member- Tiger 21

“Coach Mark has successfully coached me, my family and my business teams, through enormous challenges!”


– Donna Johnson

Top Female Networkers in the World



“Mark Fournier is the ultimate Level 5 Leader!” / “Author Jim Collins in his book, ‘Good to Great’, clearly is describing the characteristics and core principles of Mark when describing the few and far between people known as Level 5 Leaders. Mark not only has skills, knows how to manage people and teams of people, but also possess that extra dimension of humility and will. Through the years Mark has demonstrated his will to win in his personal and business endeavors and challenges. I have always admired and respected the “underdogs” of life. I admire and respect Mark not just for all the success, awards and accomplishments, but for the challenges and sacrifices he made along the way. Mark daily demonstrates the desire and passion to help others, be a role model to others, a true selfless leader. Mark is a “winner.”  I consider it a privilege and honor to call Mark my coach, and friend. 


– Jerry Yerke

Chief Networking Officer DubLi


“Mark Fournier is the most gifted coach (no, the most gifted person) I have ever worked with; his skills in both marketing and employee development are astonishing. By combing these strengths he is able to create amazing results both with clients and employees, as he has with me! And my personal life has seen just as much growth as my career.”  


– Joel Grauer

Independent sales and marketing executive.

(For more on Joel click here:  Joel Grauer)


“For many years I was a personal development coach myself. And I have trained with the best (including the well-known Anthony Robbins.) Mark had many new insights and innovative techniques and tools that surprised even me! Mark was also my empowerment coach when I was preparing for a 400 mile solo walk across South Dakota to raise awareness about the plight of the wild mustang. His coaching revved up my confidence, gave me skills I was still lacking, and gave me the internal conversation needed to succeed. But Mark’s most important quality is his incredible approach-ability. He knows how to make a client feel safe and at ease. And that is a critical quality in a coach!! I will always be grateful for the contribution he made to my life, career, and challenging endeavor.” 


– Roni Ziemba

Owner at Ziemba Photographic

(For more on Roni click here: Roni Ziemba)


It has been my great pleasure to work very closely with Mark Fournier for 5 years. I have represented Mark as a Keynote, coach, during coaching conference calls and on the radio many, many times and he never ceases to amaze me. He is delightful, insightful and bang-on every time. His genius in developing and delivering cutting edge empowerment programs is by far the best I have ever seen. Mark`s compassion and integrity are the base that he springs from. Should you have the opportunity to be coached by him, or even take his online courses, you will be forever changed, and enlightened. Mark Fournier is the best thing that ever happened to my marriage and my personal growth and I look forward to many more years of supporting and developing programs with him for the spa industry.”  


– DeeAnn Lensen

Owner, Touche Spa Products, Spa Consultant & Distributor, Empowerment Coach, Keynote Speaker and Trainer

(For more on DeeAnn click here: DeeAnn Lensen)


“I first met Mark through my wife, who was being coached by Mark. It was during that time that I started noticing exciting changes in her interaction with others including me. Ultimately I enrolled in his coaching myself, enjoyed every moment of it and noticed that I suddenly better understand people’s behaviour. I always thought I could read people quite well, but it wasn’t until after coaching with Mark that “the light went on”. I would highly recommend for anyone to tap into Mark’s vast knowledge of human behaviour, it will benefit you in ways you can’t imagine. Finally, I am now proud to count Mark as one of my most trusted friends.

– Michael Lensen

ProLink Properties / Property developer / investor / Past President Sports Car Club of B.C. / Racecar driver.

(For more on Michael click here: Michael Lensen)


“What I have gained from the talented and brilliant Mark Fournier is the ability to take the blind fold off of my eyes, and see, almost like it was the first time. Thank you Ada!”  “The preceeding quote from my up-line distributor is only one of MANY thanking me for recommending Mark Fournier to them. I eagerly recommend Mark to others because I know the benefits they will get, as I myself experienced and benefited so much from the most incredible coach I have ever worked with. (I had worked with many coaches before Mark).
After working with Mark, my life changed 180 degrees!!! I cannot fully describe Mark Fournier, he is beyond words… his brilliance, sensitivity, his abundance of giving, his loving nature (even when ‘holding me accountable’, setting boundaries, teaching me how not to be a ‘victim’, how to think outside the of box, fully express my creative spirit, ALL, with unconditional and nonjudgmental love and respect.
I am the person I am today, mostly because of the work we did together. I participated in each and every program he provided, loving them all. I couldn’t keep my mouth closed… recommending him to everyone I cared for, wanting them to receive from Mark what I have received:  SELF DISCOVERY, my inner strengths, belief in myself, self love, and the talents I was blessed with, all “showed up” when coaching with Mark.
Mark is the most generous spirited mentor (and now friend) I could have dreamed of. I could always trust that would be there for me at any time of need. He also recognized and appreciated who I am as a person, and as a business woman.
I could go on and on. If you want to know more, please contact me at [email protected] – or call me 310-310-3322. I will be ready at any time to answer any questions you want to know about Mark Fournier!
Thank you my dearest precious coach and friend, Mark Fournier, from AFBZ.”


– Ada Bar-Ziv

Entrepreneur Professional NetWorker, High Profile connector and coordinator

(For more on Ada click here: Ada Bar-Ziv)


Mark is wholeheartedly committed to his work in helping each of his clients find their own personal best. Mark believes and shows us how to believe in ourselves, and trust that in order to facilitate change and improvement in who we are, we have to start the process, (the most difficult thing to do), Mark gets you through that. I urge anyone who is looking for answers outside of their current self to contact Mark for guidance. You will not be disappointed, but instead surprised at the untapped power within yourself that Mark will bring to life. Thank you Mark for helping me to see my light.


– Blair Lele

Residential Broker

(For more on Ada click here: Blair Lele)



“In my 19 years of business management and family counseling I have not seen a more effective, efficient or exhilarating personal empowerment program for individuals or families! Imagine a whole family (or company) of ‘Empowered Leaders’ speaking the same ‘language’, supporting one-another toward common goals; while eagerly meeting EVERY challenge… Suddenly… NOTHING is Impossible!” 


– David Bahr

Controller, YMCA, Family Counselor / Masters of Counseling






“Our life without Mark Fournier or his training  would be…Unimaginable!

“I was emotionally shattered and incapable of ‘empowering’ anyone… much less my six children, until we discovered the life-changing coaching offered by Mark Fournier; but now we’re ALL happy and thriving… the ‘little ones’ have become Eagle Scouts getting straight ‘A’s in high school, ‘captains’ of their school sports and excelling in other demanding school activities, and my older ones have now left home to raise empowered families of their own while earning incredible incomes … even the child who I feared was in the most serious trouble has become a happy, contributing father, and wealthy business owner… thanks to Mark, who took him under his wing at the age of 16.

And it’s not just us; I eventually became a course leader for one of Mark’s courses, so I’ve seen countless families transformed through his teachings, including Debbie Forrest, mother of six and winner of the National Parent of the Year award). Debbie won the award after unexpectedly losing her husband and immediately involving her family in coaching, which she eagerly credits with much of her success!

– Sherrie Nattrass

Exec Producer/Co-host ‘Mars/Venus with Dr. John Gray TV show’




“In my opinion, Marks coaching and his courses are perfect!!!!
I highly recommend Mark and his incredible programs for both corporations and individuals! His process is enormously rewarding and advantageous to both career and personal growth. I have seen amazing results. This program has accelerated my goals! His courses can be a vital part of changing any corporate culture (as it has with Boeing) and my goal is to see our entire staff go though the course.”


– Rosemarie Burke

BOEING Navigator / Software Quality Engineer




“We’ve tried them all!”
“Marks coaching and courses are radically different from anything we’ve ever seen…And, they have had a far greater impact on our employees and our profits! Not to mention the personal benefits!


– Mike Smith,

Owner, California Pools


“It’s like getting a Ph.D. in Leadership!
As a corporate trainer and dedicated ‘explorer’ I have traveled around the world several times…And yet, the most incredible journey I’ve ever taken, was coaching with Mark Fournier”. I have taken and taught leadership courses for years, and nothing I’ve ever seen can compare with this programs. His courses eliminates the need to ‘lead’ others, by transforming those you lead into responsible, self-motivated, Empowered Leaders, themselves! Mark moved me to new dimensions in my work, my relationships…my LIFE! Mark and his programs will alter your entire world and your destiny, permanently!
Mark has given me the life I thought I could never have.”


– Rebecca Walters

Corporate Trainer-Border’s Books


“I have been a motivational speaker for 11 years, and during the past twenty years, I’ve attended hundreds of seminars by other ‘experts’ in the personal development field as well. I’ve read countless books and listened to literally thousands of tapes on the same subject. After deciding that the material available wasn’t providing me (or my employees) with long-term results, I began working with Mark Fournier. Unlike other programs, I believe Marks coaching programs permanently impact every life they touch…Almost beyond measure. I passionately recommend this program!”


– Christopher Meyer

Owner/Operator, Chris Meyer Design


“I learned through Mark Fournier that all I desire and want can be mine.
I now have a greater appreciation of others and a clear understanding of what is great about my own life.”


Lyn Marquis

 Marketing Director University of Phoenix


“I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Mark Fournier! I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience and know it has helped me tremendously in dealing with the unexpected death of my husband and in raising six incredible children. It has been refreshing to be reminded of time-honored principles. Your coaching program is fantastic…a life changing experience for all who get involved!”


– Debbie Forrest

National Winner ‘Parent of the Year’ award



“I love the principles taught in Mark’s coaching program. The 10 Commitments is a great formula to being my greatest possibility. I think the workbook is great and I looked forward to and very much enjoyed each session. I enjoyed the themes for each week, especially “That’s Great!” and “Making Requests.” You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take and making BOLD requests, to me, is taking shots. The tougher the shot, the greater the reward. Also, I learned that life is about challenges. I really enjoyed participating in “The Courses” and loved leading them even more!”


– Shai Tziony

Jet Fighter Pilot, US Air Force