Hear From Clients Like You
Over 60,000+ Happy Clients
Mike Lamonica
“A paradigm shattering experience!
This is the most empowering program we’ve ever used!”

Director of Communications (Motorola)

“Mark Fournier’s insights and coaching are brilliant! And he has the most encompassing and economical program I’ve ever seen!”
Joanne Dennis
Employee-Development Director, Certified Coach

“I STRONGLY recommend this amazing program to ANY organization… on any level!”
Joseph Tidwell
Education Director, Boeing
“This was the greatest investment I ever made as a business owner AND Individual! My worst month now exceeds what was once my best month! AND, I love my life!”
Dalila Belhamissi
Spa Owner, Educator, Trainer, Life Coach
“You can’t get THIS from a book or a seminar (or from a thousand of them); Coach Mark has created a program that permanently transforms your life, allowing you to automatically think, feel, and do that which ensures your success & fulfillment. His program saved my networking career, my marriage, and, in a way, my life!”
Glenn Sparks
Minister, Top Network Marketing Earner, 3-Time All American Football Player, Humanitarian
Coaching with genius Mark Fournier permanently empowered me, transforming the way I think, see, feel, work and live… forever!
Krystal Gray
Radio Show Host/Producer, Author, Speaker, Network Marketing Leader
Mark and his Courses are unparalleled and second to none in their ability to empower individuals and employees to live the life they love, but never dreamed possible. His programs ignites the Human Spirit, liberate the soul and awaken you to your most lofty human potential.