" Mastering your LIMITLESS MIND is the only
PROVEN path to creating a life you LOVE. "

-Mark Fournier

" Mastering your LIMITLESS MIND is the only
PROVEN path to creating a life you LOVE. "
- Mark Fournier

"After teaming with Mark Fournier for over a dozen years, he is, I believe, possibly
the best life coach on the planet! "
Dr. Mark Rosenbloom
MD, MBA, Member- Tiger 21
Lead a LIMITLESS Life you LOVE
"If you are a high or ultra-high net worth entrepreneur, leader, influencer or peak-performer in any field, coaching genius Mark Fournier will transform your life beyond imagine! "
Dr. Mark Rosenbloom
MD, MBA, Member- Tiger 21

Mark's 'corporate CLIENTS INCLUDE

Lead a LIMITLESS Life you LOVE with

Mark Fournier

A 3-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, psychotherapist, life-mastery & peak-performance coach, Mark Fournier (The Limitless Coach) is lauded as a world-renowned expert in ‘Mastering Your Life’ & ‘Realizing your Greatest Potential’.

Mark Fournier with Bicycle

He is also a patented inventor, award-winning writer, author, columnist, keynote speaker, the founder and provost of LIMITLESS University, the visionary creator of OmniCoach, the world’s first 100% AI-powered  Virtual Life & Business Coach ‘, and the founding director of the nonprofit DoGood Hero Support Network. 

Mark has dedicated his life to ‘creating a better world’ by helping to raise human consciousness through his life-transforming insights and programs.

The ‘Final Frontier’ isn’t ‘space’ its the LIMITLESS HUMAN MIND which is capable of achieving anything we can imagine… and we can imagine EVERYTHING!”    ~Mark Fournier

Create a LIMITLESS Life you LOVE!

Reignite your Passion, Discover your Purpose, Live your Legacy!

“Life isn’t about finding yourself… it’s about creating yourself.”

- George Bernard Shaw

" YOUR unique ‘reality’ is created by the ‘thoughts’ and ‘stories’ that you ‘believe’.

‘Free Will’ is a myth, the ‘choices’ you make are the result of the underlying ‘habits’, ‘beliefs’, ‘perceptions’ and ‘programs’ that subconsciously run your life.

Mastering your MIND is the only PROVEN path to ensuring a life you LOVE.”

- Mark Fournier


” NOTHING is more important than ‘Creating a Life you LOVE’.


Mastering your MIND is the only PROVEN path to ‘Creating a Life you LOVE’… because ‘we LIVE in the mind’.


‘The mind is LIMITLESS, and since you ‘live in your mind’, so are YOU! ” 


 – Mark Fournier

” YOUR unique ‘reality’ is created by the ‘thoughts’ and ‘stories’ that you ‘believe’.


‘Free Will’ is a myth, the ‘choices’ you make are the result of the underlying ‘habits’, ‘beliefs’, ‘perceptions’ and ‘programs’ that subconsciously run your life.


Mastering your MIND is the only PROVEN path to ensuring a life you LOVE.”


The ONLY way to take control of your life, reach your full potential, and create a life you truly LOVE is by taking control of the stories, habits, beliefs, perceptions, and programs that determine how you think, feel, & behave and this, you CAN do!!! “


-Mark Fournier

‘ MASTERING your LIFE ‘ through Self-Discovery and Reinvention.

Book this event for YOUR organisation

Become Self-Actualized

Created for high & ultra-high net-worth entrepreneurs, leaders, influencers, and peak-performers, this event offers paradigm-shattering insights into human nature and behavior, including cutting-edge discoveries around the human mind, and the true nature of reality, resulting in a far deeper understanding of how to reinvent your ‘self’, your life, and your future.



Watch. Listen. Read.​

Mark Fournier - YouTube thumbnails collage


Watch powerful YouTube videos where Mark shares life lessons that helped him overcome adversity using a combination of spiritual and scientific methods.

Mark Fournier - blog articles collage


Build your most rewarding and enriching life. Listen to the inspiring stories and life lessons that helped others beat the odds and achieve success.



Mark’s blogs or articles share life experiences that will shine a light on the life journeys that could shape your life.



Book in a call with our Program Co-ordinator, Camille, to get all your questions answered.


Tommy Rivers

Free Introductory call

This call is to answer your questions and clear your doubts about the ONE-ONE Coaching with Mark.

Find a time on Camille’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

Mark is a ‘ life-mastery & peak-performance coach ‘, ‘#1 best selling author’, speaker, trainer, EMMY Award-winning filmmaker, humanitarian.

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